Terms of Use


Voor consumenten geldt een standaard garantie van twee jaar.
Voor bedrijven geldt standaard een jaar garantie, waarbij wij voor de fabrieksgarantie best effort zullen handelen.

Garantie op producten vervalt bij zowel consumenten als Zakelijk:
– het verlopen van de garantieperiode
– bij onzorgvuldig gebruik van het product.
– Wij maken u erop attent dat rechten op de garantie kunnen komen te vervallen wanneer u zelf veranderingen aanbrengt op de geleverde producten (zowel hard- als software).
– indien het apparaat wordt gebruikt met ondergeschikte of verkeerde accessoires
– software anders dan de meegeleverde systeemsoftware is.

Mochten er defecten ontstaan door toedoen van de koper dan zijn alle reparatie en tevens verzendkosten voor diens rekening.

Het kan zijn dat fabrikanten van bepaalde producten (zoals een SSD disk) een eigen garantie bieden. Ook in dat geval kan u beroep maken op de fabrieksgarantie daarvoor dient u contact op te nemen met de fabrikant van het product. Een garantie zal geen afbreuk doen aan uw wettelijke rechten. Op software bestaat geen garantie.

GameSkinShop garandeert dat de te leveren zaken voldoen aan de gebruikelijke eisen en normen die gelden binnen de EU

Alle werkzaamheden die aan u aankoop worden gedaan worden uitsluitend uitgevoerd door GameSkinSkop. In het geval van een defect behoudt GameSkinshop zich het recht om de hardware te vervangen voor een ander (gelijkwaardig) product.

product retourneren is op kosten van de klant.
Alle retourzendingen moeten altijd door de klant worden ingepakt en zorg voor worden gedragen dat het product niet kan beschadigen. Als uw zending door een slechte verpakking beschadigd raakt, kunnen zowel de vervoerder als GameSkinShop niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor eventuele schade.
Een op maat Bestelling is uitgesloten van herroepingsrecht. Ook is een op maat bestelling niet te annuleren.

Uitsluiting van aansprakelijkheid:
Aan de advertenties, foto’s, informatie, teksten en prijzen op onze website kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Wijzigingen en typefouten zijn voorbehouden. GameSkinShop aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor schade ten gevolge van onjuistheid of onvolledigheid van de informatie op deze website.

Zakelijk geplaatste bestellingen kunnen geen aanspraak doen op het herroepingsrecht, omdat dit een consumentenrecht betreft.

Accounts – Smurfs – Boosting.

– Please read our terms of service, only after reading the terms and conditions the customer is qualified to apply to the service. You accept that by using our service you are aware of all the terms and conditions before purchasing and that you agree to them.

– If by any reason you do not accept our terms and conditions make sure you contact us before purchasing.

– The service GameSkinshop is hosted under the website no other site or service under this name is related to any of GameSkinshop services.

– is in no way affiliated with, associated with or endorsed by Riot Games, Inc. Purchases made from persons who have worked for, currently work for, or are in any way endorsed by/associated with Riot Games, Inc. are strictly prohibited.

– Any and all of the unauthorized employees are not permitted under any circumstance to purchase any service from this website or from us or any direct affiliate in any way shape or form. The customer or attempted customer fully considers and accepts all risks and agrees to defend, hold harmless, and compensate GameSkinshop , for any allegations made by the unauthorized and any affiliate regarding to this or any transaction in regards the use of the intellectual property owned by the unauthorized.

– By entering our website, or any extension of this site, or our facebook page or any forum related to our service, you declare under penalty of perjury and under the laws of any country under the Europe Union Laws, that you are not employed or affiliated with Riot Games and their respective affiliates and subsidiaries.

– The content on this site and all extensions of this site is shown as is and without a warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent allowed in regards to the law, GameSkinshop , rejects all warranties implies or expressed, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose. In relation to all services, GameSkinshop is only providing a service to the customer; no goods, property, or any extension of a physical product are being sold by GameSkinshop . GameSkinshop , makes no claim to the title regarding any of the unauthorized intellectual property and are simply acting as a third-party transferee of the property among the unauthorized and the customer; once the payment is received by GameSkinshop, and the promised services are completed by the aforementioned, the customer will take GameSkinshop place as a user of unauthorized intellectual property to the limit allowed by the unauthorized. At the end of any transaction between the customer and GameSkinshop, the customer will assume that GameSkinshop, functions merely as a licensee of the unauthorized to use its intellectual property and grants GameSkinshop, indemnity from the entire business dealing. GameSkinshop, claims no title to any intellectual property interests held by the unauthorized nor the customer; and except those, if any, granted by the unauthorized, no intellectual properties are being transferred to the customer by GameSkinshop, from any transaction.

– GameSkinshop reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notification at any time, you are responsible for keeping yourself up to date with our terms and conditions.

– You accept that by buying our service you are aware that you cannot dispute any purchase with GameSkinshop after the service is done or the service has been partially completed, and that you as a customer cannot violate the rules of chargebacks stipulated in any payment method provided by GameSkinshop .

– is in no way affiliated with, associated with or endorsed by Riot Games, Inc. Purchases made from persons who have worked for, currently work for, or are in any way endorsed by/associated with Riot Games, Inc. are strictly prohibited.

Smurf Accounts:
– The accounts for sale are created and leveled by us. When you purchase one of our accounts you become the legitimate owner, there is no way we can retrieve any account back since you validate the account to the email you choose or we provide the validated email if the account is already validated. We do not offer refunds.

– We give two weeks warranty of guaranty on the smurfs if they get banned within a week you get a free new one. This Warranty only covers the bans for botting Bancode 2203.

-Lifetime Warranty accounts, If you buy an Account with lifetime warranty you get full warranty on any ban what has to do with account botting or 3th party  levelings software Bancode 2203. any other ban like account sharing or cheating is not supported by lifetime warranty.

– If you don’t verified your account after purchase to your email you don’t have have lifetime warranty.

– If an account got banned for 14 days it automatically lose his (Lifetime) warranty.

When a client bought an account from our website GameSkinshop we are responsible for anything what happens with the account. There is no guaranty after purchase. GameSkinshop is never responsible for anything what will happens after the email change is done.


– You agree not to log into your account and play ranked Solo/Duo Q games while we are working on your order, losing League Points due to your log in or even dropping from promotion series will result in additional costs. If you want to play ranked games on your account you should inform us beforehand and extra fees will be charged in case of losing games, if you play rankeds without notification we reserve the right to declare your order as completed. You can play any other game mode if you message us beforehand.

– We guarantee account safety and privacy under all circumstances.

– You accept that that the booster has the right to change your masteries and runes, and you accept that the booster may use Influence Points to buy Champions and Runes if your current ones are insufficient to complete the boost.

– A booster should start working with your account within 48 hours the payment has been received, but there could be a potential queue of up to 7 days between purchasing and initial progress made with your account. The completion times provided are just estimations, bronze-gold divisions usually take one day to be completed, diamond divisions may take 3 days or more, we do not guarantee completion and deliver times, but estimations provided are most of the time extremely accurate.

– If your boost has not started after 10 days of receiving your payment then you are entitled to a full refund. We do not provide refunds once the boost has been started.

– if the LP gained is lower than 18 points the client will be required to pay 50% extra until the LP gained is above the 18 LP per game threshold.

-Riot Points:

– If the product is bought we add the client and gift the skin after 24 hours.

–  We give three weeks warranty of guaranty on the Riot Points if they get removed within  two weeks you get a free new one.

– We only gift skins and we don’t supply  rp codes.

-Garantie Hardware/Computers:

Voor al onze nieuwe producten geldt minimaal een volledige garantie van één jaar. Uitgezonderd hiervan zijn de refurbished, gebruikte of tweedehand, waarvoor een garantietermijn van één maand geld.

De garantie rechten vervallen als u zelf  of een derde partij veranderingen aanbrengen op de geleverde producten (zowel hardware als software).

Mocht u aankoop buiten de garantie vallen dan zou u altijd nog aanspraak kunnen maken op de fabrikant van het product. Deze dient u zelf te benaderen.

GameSkinShop garandeert dat aangekochte goederen voldoen aan de gebruikelijke wettelijke eisen en normen die daaraan gelden, en dat vrij zijn van welke gebreken ook.

Trade Mark

League of Legends is a registered trademark of Riot Games Inc. GameSkinshop is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Riot Games, Inc. The League of Legends logo and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners.